Victor “Young” Perez is a period drama about the heartbreaking true story of a Tunisian Jew, the World Flyweight Champion in 1931 and 1932, who was deported to Auschwitz on September 22nd, 1943. While there, he was forced to participate in boxing matches for the amusement of the Nazis.
Jacques Ouaniche
Jacques Ouaniche is a French director, producer and screenwriter. He created and produced the series “Maison Close” for Canal +, also writing every episode and co-directing two of them with Carlos de Fonseca Parsotam. Jacques Ouaniche is also a film producer via his company Noé Productions.
In 2013, he directed his first feature, Victor Young Perez, a biopic of the Jewish and Tunisian boxer of the 1930s who was deported to Auschwitz, and died during the March of Death in 1945. It stars Brahim Asloum, former world boxing champion, in the title role.