Alexandre Arcady

Pomegranate Lifetime Achievement Award in Filmmaking


Born in Algeria on March 17, 1947, Arcady Egry, also known as Alexandre Arcady, is a film director. In the late 60s, he began an acting career by appearing in a TV series entitled LA CRAVACHE D’OR. Then, he began directing short films and TV movies. In 1977, with his partner, director Diane Kurys, he founded a production company with which he produced the hit PEPPERMINT SODA, as well as COCKTAIL MOLOTOV (1980). In 1979, he signed his first feature film, LE COUP DE SIROCCO. Based on
his own personal story, the film, which recounts the arrival of the Pieds-noirs in France, was an unhoped-for success, revealing the talent of Patrick Bruel. After this first film, Alexandre Arcady made exile his favorite subject, directing LE GRAND CARNAVAL (1983) and LÀ-BAS, MON PAYS (2000). The director also dabbled in other genres, such as thrillers: Kand BREAK OF DAWN, and dramas: THE BIG PARDON, LE GRAND PARDON 2, and DIS-MOI OUI. He also tackled comedy with HOLD-UP (1985) and TU PEUX GARDER UN SECRET?. He then returned to dramas and crime genre with COMME LES CINQ DOIGTS DE LA MAIN (2010), WHAT THE DAY OWES THE NIGHT (2012) and 24 DAYS (2014). In 2023, he returns with the film THE BLOND BOY FROM THE CASBAH retracing his entire history in