Directed by Gabriel Lichtmann
Argentina | 2015 | 78 min
In Spanish
with English subtitles
Lucas is a young and handsome lawyer with a penchant for detective stories. Barbara is a lustful and smart lawyer who also loves literature. After a night together, Lucas awakes to find Barbara has gone, along with his savings. Determined to solve this mystery, Lucas finds himself in a captivating, twisted, romantic comedy plot.
Gabriel Lichtmann
Graduated as Film Director from Universidad del Cine. He has obtained various national and international awards, such as the 1998 “Historias Breves” competition of the I.N.C.A.A. for the script of his short film “El Séptimo Día” (The Seventh Day), and the script development fund of the Hulbert Bals Fund for the script of his feature film “Judíos en el Espacio” (Jews in Space or why is this night different from the other nights?). Both movies were well received by both the press and the public and competed in many international festivals. Standing out among these are the 2000 Berlin Festival (with “El Séptimo Día”) and the official selection of the 2005 BAFICI (with “Judíos en el Espacio…”). Nowadays, he’s working on his next feature film project and directing commercials for several Argentine production companies.