

LEONA is an intimate, insightful, and sensual film that tells the story of a young Jewish woman from Mexico City, who finds herself torn between her family and her forbidden love. Ripe with all the drama and interpersonal conflicts of a Jane Austen novel, watching her negotiate the labyrinth of familial pressure, religious precedent, and her own burgeoning sentiment is both painful and beautiful – there are no easy choices to be made and the viewer travels back and forth with her as she struggles with her heart to take the best path.

Co-Presented by:

Instituto Cervantes


Isaac Cherem

Isaac was born in 1992 in Mexico City and graduated from the Los Angeles Film School in 2011. He started working as a production assistant on film sets at the age of fifteen and in 2015 he founded Fosforescente, a production company solely focused on Mexican cinema. LEONA is his directorial debut.