Directed by Yves Azeroual, and Mathieu Alterman
Documentary Feature
France | 2018 | 52 min
In French
with English subtitles
Arriving in France from North Africa with barely a suitcase in hand, these Sephardic immigrants and refugees became the stars and legends of French show-business: Recording-artist Enrico Macias, comedians Robert Castel & Lucette Sahuquet, impresario Regis Talar, actor, director, producer and screenwriter Philippe Clair (a/k/a Prosper Bensoussan!), and, the youngest of the lot, Norbert Saada. Starting from nothing they became: Les Magnifiques!
With: Enrico Macias, Norbert Saada, Philippe Clair, Régis Talar, and Robert Castel
Followed by Q&A with Director Yves Azeroual & Producer & Pomegranate Award winner, Alexandre Amiel
Yves Azeroual
Yves Azeroual is a journalist, essayist, documentary filmmaker.
Founder of TV channels including a news channel and several TV shows, he has, among other things, published about ten books on French politics and Israel, including “Mitterrand, Israel and the Jews” and “Is there a right to defend Israel”.
His documentaries deal with social issues and Israel including “Yitzhak Rabin, the warrior of peace” and “Tel Aviv, the city that never sleeps”. In addition to his journalistic activities, he is also in charge of development within a large French audiovisual group.
Mathieu Alterman
Mathieu Alterman worked for more than ten years as a record label as artistic director and project manager. He is the author of several books, including “Apology of Failure”, “I Remember the Forgotten”, “Les larmes de Johnny” and “Femmes Fatales”.
Polemist and journalist specializing in culture and society, he is a radio columnist, television and print journalist, Pop culture and crisis communication teacher, LCI and C8 TV host.